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Wolfsmord in Washington State

Verfasst: 7. Nov 2014, 20:27
von Grauer Wolf
Wolfshasser haben wieder einmal sinnlos gemordet:
Der Verlust eines Leittieres ist bekanntlich mit das Schlimmeste, was einem Familienverband widerfahren kann... :cry:
Defenders of Wildlife hat geschrieben:Wolf hatred has spread west to Washington State.

Yesterday, we learned that the alpha female of the Teanaway pack was shot and killed, throwing the entire pack’s future into jeopardy. Disturbingly, the killing may have been intentional and a criminal investigation is underway since wolves in Washington State are protected under both state and federal law.

Fear and demonization of wolves is like a virus. [...]

Defenders of Wildlife and our conservation partners are offering a reward for any information leading to the apprehension and conviction of the wolf’s killer.

There are barely 60 known wolves in the entire state of Washington. With the tragic loss of the alpha female, the fate of the Teanaway pack is now uncertain. This is a major blow to wolf recovery in the Pacific Northwest.

Re: Wolfsmord in Washington State

Verfasst: 10. Nov 2014, 10:07
von Miscanthus
Hier werden neben dem o.a. Fall noch weitere Vorkomnisse mit Wölfen aus jüngster Zeit gemeldet: Darunter ein Fall von Notwehr 8-) ... d658d.html

Re: Wolfsmord in Washington State

Verfasst: 11. Dez 2014, 14:25
von Grauer Wolf
Offensichtlich drehen einige Leute jetzt völlig durch und hetzen mit den übelsten Lügen und Verleumdungen gegen die gerade mal 50 Wölfe in Washington State. Heute reingekommen:
Defenders of Wildlife hat geschrieben:An anti-wolf group has begun running huge billboards filled with anti-wolf lies and propaganda intended to incite fear. They would have people in Washington believe that young children will be next on a wolf’s “menu.”

These lies must not go unanswered.

As of the last official count, there are only 52 wolves in all of Washington state – and they are being illegally killed as the hate-based claims become more and more farfetched.

It’s a familiar tactic. Fuel old fears and prejudices to turn public opinion against wolves. Then, press for state wildlife rules that permit “kill first, ask questions later” tactics against these magnificent animals.

That’s what they did in Idaho – and they can do it here too if we don’t nip this in the bud!

Here’s the truth about wolves: They have more reason to be afraid of humans than we do of them. You are more likely to be attacked by your neighbor’s poodle than to be attacked by a wolf.
Ich habe die Gesichter solcher Typen in Interviews gesehen: Haßzerfressen, geifernd, mörderisch, nach eigenen Worten bereit, selbst Welpen zu vergiften, zu vergasen, zu erschlagen, einfach nur zum Gruseln für jeden, der sich ein Herz für die Natur bewahrt hat...
Das Schlimme ist, daß Washington State, genauer, die Cascades das Einfallstor für Wölfe aus dem Norden (Kanada) sind, die ggf. die Blutlinien auffrischen können. Wenn da gewildert wird, wirkt sich das langfristig genetisch negativ aus...
